“Time to Feel Good Again”
A Club Update from Mike Savrese, General Manager

In a year filled with so much anxiety and uncertainty, it is refreshing to be able to share some encouraging news.  In the three months since our June 15th reopening, Club Julian has had no reported COVID-19 exposures among the many members who have returned to the club.  This is a significant accomplishment which can be largely credited to the implementation of strong, sensible safety policies and practices that have been steadfastly adhered to by both our staff and our members.  I know the changes that had to be made have not been easy for anyone, but the cooperation we have received has been nothing short of exceptional, and for that, Club Julian’s staff and membership community has my sincere respect and gratitude.

Moving forward, we plan to continue to be relentlessly committed to maintaining a preventive approach to member safety as our foremost operational priority. We plan to not only continue, but enhance, our comprehensive cleaning and safety protocol that includes nightly electrostatic disinfectant spraying, regular air filter replacement, additional hand sanitizing stations, and other measures.  The effective policies regarding physical distancing and Club-wide mask usage (except for the Wet Area) will remain in place for the immediate future, but will be constantly re-evaluated based on relevant factors and health agency recommendations.

Club Julian’s commitment to operating in a responsible manner during the ongoing pandemic reflects not only our own values and beliefs, but also seemingly mirrors the mindset of the fitness industry.  Despite widespread concerns that gyms would be high-risk breeding grounds for the coronavirus, just the opposite has proven to be true, as evidenced in several industry datapoints and reports.  For example, IHRSA recently reported in a survey of 2873 fitness facilities that gym users who returned to workouts over the last three months have experienced a very low infection rate of just .0023%. That’s over nearly 50 million total member visits in a three-month period.  

Furthermore, additional studies have shown that not exercising has resulted in other negative health consequences ranging from obesity to depression that may outweigh the risk of COVID-19 exposure.  As we move into autumn, Club Julian will redouble its commitment to both your safety, and your health & wellness by providing information and opportunities that we hope will help you rediscover fitness on your terms.  Exercise is essential to your overall health, quality of life, attitude, and outlook.  Feeling good about yourself was probably one of the main reasons you chose to join Club Julian in the first place.  That has not changed with COVID.  “It’s Time to Feel Good Again.”  And we want to help!

Throughout the fall, Club Julian plans to keep you informed on all the great things that are happening here and hopefully inspire you to restart or recharge your personal fitness journey.  Stay tuned for details, stay safe, and we hope to see you back here very soon!